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Hal: Penyelenggaraan Pembelajaran pada Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2020/2021
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Menindaklanjuti Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 6 Tahun 2020 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pembelajaran pada Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2020/2021,
karena kondisi pandemi saat ini masih berlangsung, dengan ini disampaikan :
- Pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi pada semester genap tahun akademik 2020/2021 dapat diselenggarakan secara campuran – tatap muka dan dalam jaringan (hybrid learning), disesuaikan dengan status dan kondisi setempat;
- Masa belajar paling lama bagi mahasiswa yang seharusnya berakhir pada semester genap tahun akademik 2020/2021, dapat diperpanjang 1 semester, dan pengaturannya diserahkan kepada Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi sesuai dengan kondisi dan situasi setempat;
- Periode penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran semester genap tahun akademik 2020/2021 pada seluruh jenjang program pendidikan agar dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing perguruan tinggi sehingga seluruh kegiatan akademik dapat terlaksana dengan baik;
- Persiapan pelaksanaan langkah-langkah sebagaimana disampaikan dalam angka 1 sampai 3 di atas agar terlebih dahulu dikoordinasikan dengan Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi setempat.
Kami juga mengimbau agar perguruan tinggi harus tetap memprioritaskan kesehatan dan keselamatan warga kampus (mahasiswa, dosen, tendik) serta masyarakat sekitarnya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang tercantum pada Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 6 Tahun 2020. Dalam penyelenggaraan pembelajaran tatap muka, baik perkuliahan, praktikum, penelitian maupun bentuk pembelajaran lainnya harap dijaga dan ditegakkan protokol kesehatan sesuai ketentuan. Selain itu, agar capaian pembelajaran tetap tercapai, perguruan tinggi harap memantau dan membantu kelancaran mahasiswa dalam melakukan pembelajaran dari rumah.
Atas perhatian dan kerja sama yang baik, kami sampaikan terima kasih.
Unduh edarannya di sini.
What is the best way to save you time, energy and stress? Have Rejoice Maids take care of the house cleaning! I’ve been a customer for at least two years now. It’s such a wonderful feeling knowing every other Wednesday I’ll come home to a sparkling clean house. When I need them too, they are very accommodating to my schedule changes. They take great care of my home and follow my preferences for certain areas. If I have questions, I always receive a prompt response. The “hotel corners” on the toilet paper and refolded hand-towels is always a nice surprise. Regal Maid Service has been providing premium housekeeping services to our clients since 1992. Our English-owned company has continued to set the standard for house cleaning, housekeeping, and other residential cleaning services for more than 20 years. What sets us apart is our high-level professionalism: Regal Maids are all licensed, bonded, and insured—ensuring a high standard of cleanliness while preserving your peace of mind. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. With Envirowash Hawaii LLC, you are one day away from restoring your home or businesses like-new luster and curb appeal, not to mention your pride of ownership! If we can clean something for you and you are not 100% satisfied with our services, we will come back out and clean it again for FREE. Call our office and learn how soft washing can keep all your exterior surfaces clean and sanitary for your peace of mind. Pavers are a lifetime investment, which is why it is important to get them regularly maintained so that they are not only clean and attractive but stay protected throughout the year and for a lifetime. At Praxis Exterior Wash, we specialize in house washing services in Mohnton and the surrounding areas. Our highly trained team of soft wash technicians have the experience and knowledge to remove dirt, eliminate unsightly streaks and stains, and protect your home against the harshness of weather and time.
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At Angie’s, we are dedicated to providing you with the best service. We are bonded and fully insured, so you can feel safe entrusting the care of your home to us. We invest time in researching the best cleaning tools and methods and perfecting our service. As part of our promise to you, we will retouch any less-than-perfect areas free of charge. Your complete satisfaction is always guaranteed. And from another perspective: my wife and I decided it’s worth $150 a month to never fight about the state of the house again. Once a month someone does a deep clean (ceiling fans, windows, fridge, base boards in addition to laundry and mop vacuum) and with us both working full time, this allows us more quality time rather than cleaning the house He did a great job! Had him clean 2 bdrm, 2.5 bath, all wooden floors, added window cleaning and baseboards. Was thorough and speedy! We certainly will keep requesting him! A & D Pressure Cleaning Services is South Florida’s preferred source for top quality power washing, pressure washing, and exterior property restoration services serving both Residential and Commercial properties. Pressure Power Pros is a fully insured and bonded commercial pressure washing company. We offer a variety of commercial and residential pressure washing services and window cleaning to the Mesa area and entire East Valley. Beautiful Venice beaches are known worldwide for their fine powdery sand and gorgeous sunsets over the water. Venice and nearby Sarasota cater to the beach-loving crowd, with lots of restaurants, shops, and marinas with boat rentals and guided day tours. Whatever you want to try your hand at water skiing or just sit on the We, at Hot Pressure Washing Services, are recognized for offering excellent pressure washing in Monterey. No job is too dirty or clumsy for our certified technicians. The dedicated team determines and devises the right pressure washer depending on the needs.
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Windows are the most dreaded and time-consuming of cleaning chores but the one people notice first. Precision Exterior Wash has the skills and equipment necessary to make your windows gleam. Our safety-conscious, meticulous professionals will take care of your residential and commercial window cleaning so you don’t have to. Whether you want to have window cleaning added to your spring and fall cleaning routine or need your windows washed regularly, Precision Exterior Wash is here for you. Keep your windows glistening year-round. Accurate Powerwashing is and 5 star, Angie’s List power washing service that has serviced thousands of homes in the Madison area for over 40 years. Over time, concrete becomes dull, stained, and pitted. Having your concrete surfaces professionally cleaned will have them looking freshly installed and help prevent premature replacement. We provide impeccable concrete cleaning and sealing services to Harrisburg and the surrounding area. Once we have returned your concrete back to its former glory, we recommend having them sealed to prevent dirt, debris, water, salt, oil, and chemicals from damaging and staining your investment and extend its service life. For striking concrete cleaning and sealing, you can count on Precision Exterior Wash. In today’s day and age its a wonder why toxic cleaning products are still around. Cleaning your office but negatively affecting your health? Nothing sounds enticing about that deal. We use clean products that are included on the EPA’s list of disinfectants for use against common household germs including SARS-CoV-2. © 2022 Advanced Green Cleaning. All rights reserved. Designed & Powered by: Maverick Web Marketing Disclaimer: All cleaning services are provided by trained and certified Stratus Building SolutionsВ® unit franchisees. Each unit franchisee is independently owned and operated and is licensed to use the Stratus Building SolutionsВ® trademarks and cleaning system pursuant to a franchise agreement between it and a Stratus Building SolutionsВ® subfranchisor/master franchisee. Neither SBS Franchising, LLC nor its regional master franchisees provide cleaning services.
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Contact us today for your moving cleaning services, and ask us about our other services, including disinfection services, commercial cleaning and carpet & rug cleaning. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. If you’d like to move forward with service, feel free to schedule an appointment through this link. Have any questions or prefer to talk to someone? You may call text us any time at (571) 882-2712. Let us know how we can make your life easier. We provide our own cleaning supplies and equipment including vacuums, mops, and cleaning products. Should you choose to supply specific products for our employees to use then you agree to take responsibility for the outcome. Please place the cleaning product(s) and our request for specific types of cleaning, e.g., antiques, etc If you want your windows looking crystal-clear, then you simply need a Windex cleaner. It stood the test of time and has proven its effectiveness, being the number one window and glass cleaner for generations. This budget-friendly liquid window cleaner comes in a 23 oz spray bottle with a super easy-to-grip handle. The Best Way to Really Clean Your Car Windows Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. You will only need three ingredients to whip up this recipe and you probably already have all of the ingredients sitting in your house, all you have to do is mix them together. I really like this homemade outdoor window cleaner recipe because it gets even the toughest hard water spots off the windows. I was motivated to create a natural option for cleaning windows when I discovered my one-year-old licking a window one time. I wasn’t sure what was in my conventional glass cleaner but I was pretty sure I didn’t want her eating it. Also, with so many professional “Fingerprint-on-Window-Creation-Experts” in my house, cleaning windows is sometimes a daily job!
The relaxation on entry of outsiders is also reflected in the guidelines given regarding perimeter control. While the earlier guidelines had stated that “strict measures” were to be put in place “to ensure controlled movement of population in and out of the colony”, the new guidelines state only that “adequate security” must be deployed “to check for vehicle/people/labour movement with thermal screening and checking of asymptomatic persons”. Keeping the customers’ pain points in mind, Taskbob hires its servicemen through a recruitment process that consists of skill testing and psychometric tests. Once hired, they undergo training for vocational skills, customer delight, technology, processes and soft skills. Elderly care opens the opportunity for employment as now every family is searching for the maid who can care for the elders. A maid is essential for elders to fulfill their basic requirements. Chem-Dry of Des Moines has been family-owned & operated right here in Des Moines, IA since 2005 by Matthew & Gretchen W. We live here, we work here and we love this community. Our goal is to help our customers live healthier lives by providing you with clean carpets and a healthier home. Our team also offers Natural Stone services, including cleaning, polishing, and refinishing. We offered tile and grout cleaning as well, which includes home disinfection. We understand how to take care of your floors and reduce the risk of transmission. Our disinfection and sanitizing teams are here to help you. If we locate any mold, we also offer mold remediation services. So, what makes us different from other carpet or rug cleaning services? We like to think when asked, our customers would say it’s our prompt, friendly, and exceptional team of cleaning technicians that sets us apart. While our many customer reviews support this claim, in practice it’s our unique method of cleaning that gets the best clean possible for your home oroffice.
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